
This pattern allows plugins to register validators, which can be used to hash and validate python objects.

A validator can be configured to use a specific hash algorithm and hash specific attributes of an given object only. This maybe necessary, if unhashable python object types are used inside given object.


GwValidatorsPattern uses the pickle function of Python to build a hashable, binary-based representation of your data. There are some data types, which can not be pickeled. In this case the validator must be configured to ignore these specific attributes of your data.

Register a new validator

To register a new validator, a plugin must inherit from GwValidatorsPattern and use register() for registration:

from groundwork_validation.patterns import GwValidatorsPattern

 class My_Plugin(GwValidatorsPattern):
     def __init__(self, app, **kwargs): = "My_Plugin"
         super(My_Plugin, self).__init__(app, **kwargs)

     def activate(self):
         self.validator = self.validators.register("my_validator", "test validator")

Creating a hash

Hashes can be build for nearly each python object by using hash():

class My_Plugin(GwValidatorsPattern):

    def get_hash(self):
         data = "test this"
         self.my_hash = self.validator.hash(data)

Validate an object by given hash

To validate an object, all you need is the hash and the function validate():

class My_Plugin(GwValidatorsPattern):

    def validate_hash(self):
        data = "test this"
        if self.validator.validate(data, self.my_hash) is True:
            print("Data is valid")
            print("Data is invalid. We stop here!")


The plugin developer is responsible for safely storing hashes (e.g. inside a database).

Requirements & Specifications

The following sections describes the implemented requirements and their related specifications.

Available requirements

ID Title Type Status Links Tags
R_D8C4B Validator registration Requirement   gwvalidator
R_6A8AF Getting a validator Requirement   gwvalidator
R_E3793 Validator functions Requirement   gwvalidator

Available specifications

ID Title Type Status Links Tags
S_10710 hash() function for validator Specification   R_E3793 gwvalidator
S_1FB7D validate() function for validator Specification   R_E3793 gwvalidator
S_F7DDB register() function for self.validators Specification   R_D8C4B; R_6A8AF gwvalidator


Requirement: Validator registration (R_D8C4B)

As developer I want to register my own specific validator to be able so speccify:

  • name
  • description
  • hash algorithm
  • whitelist for hashable attributes

tags: gwvalidator

Requirement: Getting a validator (R_6A8AF)

As developer I want to get a validator object to use it for handling validations tasks on selected objects.

tags: gwvalidator

Requirement: Validator functions (R_E3793)

As developer I want my validators to provide the following functions to me:

  • Creating of hashes
  • Validating of hashes

tags: gwvalidator


Specification: register() function for self.validators (S_F7DDB)

A function self.validators.register must be implemented, to allow the registration and requesting of validators.

The register function will have the following parameters:

  • name
  • description
  • algorithm - default is hashlib.sha256
  • whitelist - default is []

The returned object must be a instance of the class Validator.

tags: gwvalidator

links: R_D8C4B ; R_6A8AF

Specification: hash() function for validator (S_10710)

An instance of the class Validator has a hash() function, which has the following parameters:

  • data
  • return_hash_object
  • hash_object
  • strict

Where data is the object to hash.

hash_object can be used to provide an hash object, which gets updated instead of creating a new one.

If strict is True, all configured attirbutes from the whitelist must exist inside the given data.

If return_hah_object is True, the hash object, which is used by hashlib will be returned. Otherwise a hexdigest string representation.

tags: gwvalidator

links: R_E3793

Specification: validate() function for validator (S_1FB7D)

An instance of the class Validator has a validate() function, which has the following parameters:

  • data
  • hash_string

The data is hashed and the calculated hash values is compared against the given hash_string. If they are equal, True must be returned. Otherwise False.

tags: gwvalidator

links: R_E3793