
This plugin automatically activates the validation of all database models, which are and will be registered via groundwork-database.

On activation GwDbValidator fetches all existing database models and activates their validation by using register() of GwValidatorsPattern.

It also registers a receiver to get notified, if a new database model is registered. If this is the case, it also registers a new validator for this new model.

Activation and Usage

All you have to do is to activate the plugin, which is done by adding its name to your application configuration:

LOAD_PLUGINS = ["MyDbPlugin", "MyOtherPlugin", "GwDbValidator"]

That’s it. From now on all important database actions get validated.


GwDbValidator is based on DbValidatorsPlugin and therefore needs the same Configuration.

You need to set the parameter HASH_DB, which defines the database to be used for storing hash values:

HASH_DB = "sqlite://%s/hash_db" % APP_PATH

Requirements & Specifications

The following sections describes the implemented requirements and their related specifications.

Available requirements

ID Title Type Status Links Tags
R_002 Validated read requests on database tables Requirement implemented gwdbvalidator_plugin;
R_003 Configuration only Requirement implemented gwdbvalidator_plugin;
R_001 Hashed write requests on database tables Requirement implemented gwdbvalidator_plugin;

Available specifications

ID Title Type Status Links Tags
S_001 Using of groundwork pattern GwDbValidatorPattern Specification implemented R_001; R_002 gwdbvalidator_plugin;
S_002 Automatic database table registration for validation Specification implemented R_003 gwdbvalidator_plugin;


Requirement: Hashed write requests on database tables (R_001)

As developer I want my write requests being hashed and available for later use.

status: implemented

tags: gwdbvalidator_plugin;

Requirement: Validated read requests on database tables (R_002)

As developer I want to be sure, that all read requests on database tables are validated based on a stored hash

status: implemented

tags: gwdbvalidator_plugin;

Requirement: Configuration only (R_003)

As developer I want to activate the validation of all database tables by configuration options only.

status: implemented

tags: gwdbvalidator_plugin;


Specification: Using of groundwork pattern GwDbValidatorPattern (S_001)

We are using the GwDbValidatorsPattern to implement Hashed write requests on database tables (R_001) und Validated read requests on database tables (R_002).

status: implemented

tags: gwdbvalidator_plugin;

links: R_001 ; R_002

Specification: Automatic database table registration for validation (S_002)

To easily activate validation of all registered database tables, the plugin needs to perform the following actions during activation:

  • Request all already registered database tables and register a new db-validator for them
  • Register a listener for the signal db_class_registered and register a new validator every time the signal is send and the newly registered database class is provided.

status: implemented

tags: gwdbvalidator_plugin;

links: R_003